As a multimedia artist, independent scholar of Women’s Spirituality Studies, I have designed and registered an International Mr. Wonderful™ logo in the classes of Clothes and Condoms (including all sexual health/stimulant products). I have also written a song and two video music scripts transforming the logo into a CONCEPT. My intent is to attract an established company into a purchase/licensing agreement in the said categories in keeping with the essence of the concept: Transformation = Balance.
A fine archetype would be Dionysus. Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso’s class, IN GODS WE TRUST, describes him as the “unattainable attainable,” I like to call him, “No games Dion” who simply LOVED and KNEW how to make every Wo-Man special from 20 to 90! He was youthful, virile yet fearless in revealing his softer side! Also known as a healer to both women and men, he transmitted remedies to the sick through their dreams and was a protector of the elements of the earth Question is ….WHO IS TODAY’S MR. WONDERFUL?
Well, that’s up to you! Simply put, he/she’s a SYMBOL of all Wo+Men having right/left brain BALANCE in their lives! Dionysus was a Wine God, so perhaps Mr. Wonderful Organic Wine is in order? 🙂 Perhaps Mr. Wonderful Marijuana is in order? 🙂 🙂 Whether in the form of a kiss on a Tee shirt or symbolizing a yoni or vagina on condom packaging, bow ties or dresses, perhaps one could market MW using a moniker of….
Trans-Gendered/TransGenerational Products?!!
Most important, the logo is MODULAR and I believe my song, Mr. Wonderful, is an effective, energetic vehicle to sell men’s clothing as well as women’s products such as a Victoria Secret line of intimate apparel for their special Mr. W:) Here, I use the logo on bras and panties as a kiss that a woman places on the cheek of her MW without the font as I believe the mark stands alone! For example, my Father/Daughter Mr. Wonderful T shirts….And…BTW….
MW Condoms can be quite the ICE BREAKER at the Nightclubs! YA THINK?!?!:):)
As a victim of violence turned feminist writer, under the mentoring of feminist historian, Emeritus Dr. Lucia Chiavola Birnbaum, I learned our dear Mother Earth, aka
She who feeds us, She Who Cures Us
is over four billion years old, and our version of homo sapiens clocks in at 200,000 years old. The evidence of ancient women’s peacekeeping societies up until 4000 BCE, has been confirmed by major geneticists, and archaeologists. There is something to be said, or better put, something should be said, that within this framework of time, only 6000 years ago we discovered the shift from mother centered values of a matriarchal system to a dominant patriarchal culture of violence. When discussing partnerships, Birnbaum uses the term, “well married,” meaning a relationship based upon caring and sharing as in her marriage to a male “physicist feminist
Recently I took a course in Women’s Spirit Power from Dr. Marguerite Rigoglioso, discovering these ancient women societies weaved the spread legged “M” and “W” representing the Yoni. Dr. Malika Grasshoff, of North Africa confirmed this symbol of ancient co-belief systems WITHOUT KNOWING anything about archaeologist of Old Europe, Dr. Marija Gimbutas’, same conjecture! So here we have a logo that stands on it’s own without the font symbolizing the ancient Egyptian weaving Goddess Neith not to mention my design as in my website, evolved from a DEEPER KNOWING of my future!
Synchronicity at it’s best! See the sweet melding of the MW :)?

A New and Improved HIS-STORY!
According to Dr. Fred Gardaphe’s, From Wise Guys To Wise Men, “It is a man’s physical strength that enables him to have dominance over women and as long as the world is organized around physical power, men will always have that advantage.” He goes on to say, “Usually when people speak of power, they refer to qualities such as intuition, emotion and empathy–all facets of psychological power, a power that is exercised through the act of listening, of absorbing information in a situation, and then formulating responses based on analysis of that information.” You might ask “Why Bother?” Because emotionally I ultimately Hit a Wall adorned with a huge sign that read…
So today I say there is a new GREEN, EGALITARIAN and ROMANTIC version of the patriarch emerging in our present world of chaos, hunger, greed and violence. An awakening of the Divine Feminine RETURN of Unconditional Love, Justice with Compassion, Creativity and Transformation. Mr. Wonderful is the new BRANDING metaphor for a fresh version of PATRIARCHY melding with original MATRIARCHAL values!